Membership Terms

Article 1 (Membership Terms)

The Membership Terms apply to all members of ONE TOKYO GLOBAL (hereinafter referred to as “ONE TOKYO”), a membership organization provided by the Tokyo Marathon Foundation (hereinafter referred to as “the Foundation”).

Article 2 (Establishment of Administrative Office)

The Foundation will establish an administrative office to facilitate all administrative matters related to members.

Article 3 (Membership Terms Changes)

  • The Foundation may change this Membership Terms at any time without the prior consent of the member, and the member agrees to accept such changes.
    In such cases, membership privileges and conditions for membership and withdrawal from membership of ONE TOKYO shall be governed by the revised Membership Terms.
  • The modified Membership Terms will become effective when it is displayed on the official ONE TOKYO website, unless otherwise specified by the Foundation.

Article 4 (Service Offerings)

  • Members who agree to these terms and conditions are entitled to the following services and privileges.
    • Application for and participation in running events open to Members.
    • Various programs and privilege services such as RUN as ONE - GLOBAL Virtual Run Series
    • Other membership privileges and services as specified by the Foundation on the official ONE TOKYO website.
  • The services provided by the Foundation may not be transferred, sold, exchanged for cash, or otherwise provided to third parties.

Article 5 (Notification from the Foundation)

  • The Foundation will send important notices and announcements via email from time to time.
  • The contents of such notices and announcements, mentioned in the preceding paragraph (1), shall go into effect when the Foundation notifies the registered e-mail address.

Article 6 (Member)

  • A member in these Membership Terms is defined as a person who has applied for membership in ONE TOKYO in the manner designated by the Foundation, and who has been approved for membership by the Foundation after undergoing screening and other procedures.
  • Members are deemed to have accepted the terms of these Membership Terms at the time of application for membership.

Article 7 (Notification of Change)

  • Members shall promptly notify the Foundation of any change in their address, telephone number, e-mail address, or any other information that they have provided to the Foundation in the prescribed manner.
  • The Foundation shall not be held liable for any disadvantages incurred by the member due to the member's failure to notify the Foundation in accordance with the preceding paragraph.

Article 8 (Withdrawal)

  • If a member wishes to withdraw from ONE TOKYO, the member shall notify the Foundation in the prescribed manner. The Foundation will not refund any membership fees or other debts already received.
  • Memberships cannot be transferred. The Foundation shall deem the notification of a loss of life of a member as a withdrawal from ONE TOKYO made in accordance with the preceding paragraph.

Article 9 (Disapproval and Revocation of Approval of Membership)

The Foundation will not approve an applicant for membership in ONE TOKYO if it determines that the applicant falls into any of the following categories. In addition, if the applicant has already been a member, the Foundation will cancel the approval.

  • If it is found that the membership approval of ONE TOKYO has been cancelled in the past (including the time of application) due to a violation of this membership agreement.
  • If it is found that there is any false statement, error, or omission in the contents of the application for use.
  • When the person who submitted the application does not exist.
  • When the person applying for use is a corporation or organization.
  • When it is found that the applicant has failed to pay the membership fee at the time of application, or has failed to pay the membership fee in the past.
  • When the applicant is found to have a relationship with antisocial forces such as organized crime groups, subversive organizations, or individuals who are believed to be antisocial forces
  • If the Foundation deems that there are other reasonable grounds for revoking the membership.

Article 10 (Membership Fee)

The membership fee for ONE TOKYO shall be as follows:

Membership Fee: 30,000 JPY
In principle, the annual membership fee shall be paid in advance in a lump sum for each fiscal year (from April to March of the following year).
The annual membership fee is 30,000 yen, even if a member joins in the middle of a fiscal year.
Period of validity: The first year's membership is valid from the date of admission until the end of March. After the first year, the membership shall be valid for one year from April 1 to the end of March of the following year. (The date of admission shall be the date when payment is completed.)
Example: In case of admission on October 1, 2024, the membership is valid until the end of March 2025. In case of renewal, the membership will be valid for one year from April 2025 to the end of March 2026.

The annual membership fee paid shall not be refunded for any reason, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the Foundation. The same shall apply in the event of withdrawal from membership as stipulated in Article 8 or termination of eligibility as stipulated in Article 9 during the course of a fiscal year.

Article 11 (Payment Method)

Members shall pay the membership fee using the methods designated by the Foundation for each member as stated below.

  • By using a credit card payment method designated by the Foundation.

Article 12 (Payment)

Payment of dues for Members shall be made as follows:

  • The Foundation shall collect membership fees incurred in the relevant month as of the date of admission.
  • The Foundation shall notify each member's payment company of the amount calculated in accordance with the preceding paragraph and the amount equivalent to consumption tax, etc.
  • Members shall make payments in accordance with the rules and regulations of their respective settlement companies and in accordance with the payment terms separately stipulated by the credit card companies.
  • If any dispute arises between a member and a credit card company over membership fees, the dispute shall be resolved between the parties concerned, and the Foundation shall assume no responsibility whatsoever.

Article 13 (Term Renewal)

  • Members may renew their membership for the period of validity as stipulated in the preceding article by completing the renewal procedure by the expiration date of the validity period or a date separately specified by the Foundation.
  • Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if a member pays the membership fee by credit card and does not complete the membership cancellation procedure by the expiration date, the membership will be automatically renewed. In that case, the membership fee for the following year will be charged to the same credit card.
  • Members whose memberships are renewed in accordance with this Article are deemed to have accepted the membership terms and conditions for the following year and thereafter, as well as the terms of use of each service.

Article 14 (Change of Contents)

The Foundation may change the terms and conditions, operating rules, content, or name of ONE TOKYO without prior notice or consent of the member, and the member agrees to such changes. Such changes may include, but are not limited to, the revision or abolition of all or part of the contents or name of ONE TOKYO.

Article 15 (Management of Personal Information)

  • The Foundation shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding the personal information of members held by the Foundation (hereinafter referred to as “personal information”), and shall handle personal information appropriately in accordance with the “Guidelines for the Use of Personal Information” in the Supplementary Provision of the Membership Agreement.
  • The Foundation shall not use personal information of members for any purpose other than the provision of ONE TOKYO, and shall not disclose or provide such information to any third party. However, this shall not apply in the following cases
    1. When the Foundation subcontracts the production and operation of ONE TOKYO to a subcontractor.
    2. When the Foundation provides personal information to a company that has obtained prior consent from the member
    3. When the Foundation sends e-mails to members to advertise the products and services of ONE TOKYO or its business partners.
    4. When we are compelled by law to submit personal information
    5. In other cases where the Foundation has obtained the consent of the member.
  • The Foundation shall request that its subcontractors and companies to which the Foundation provides personal information based on the Member's consent, manage personal information appropriately with due care.
  • If a member wishes to inquire about or correct his or her personal information, the member should contact the Foundation, which will respond to the member's request as soon as reasonably possible.
  • The Foundation will take security control measures deemed necessary to prevent unauthorized access to member information.
  • The Foundation may compile and analyze the attributes of members' personal information, create statistical data that does not identify or specify individuals (hereinafter referred to as “statistical data”), and use and process the data for the development of new services and other business activities. The Foundation may also provide the statistical data to its business partners and other parties as necessary for business purposes.

Article 16 (Exclusive Jurisdiction)

The Foundation and the Member agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court as the court of first instance in the event that litigation arises between the Foundation and the Member regarding this Membership Agreement.

Article 17 (Governing Law)

The formation, validity, performance, and interpretation of this Membership Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Japan.

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*If you are already a member, let us know your member ID in the email. Please include [OTG] in the subject line.