Privacy Policy

〇 For applicants based in the European Economic Area (EEA)

The Tokyo Marathon Foundation (also referred to as "we" or "us") understands the importance of the personal data collected from applicants, participants, or visitors to our website ("Visitors") and will make sure to handle such data with the utmost care.

This Privacy Policy governs our privacy practices with respect to all running events held by us, including, but not limited to, the Tokyo Marathon and Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon (the "Events"), for processing the personal data we collect from each applicant, participant, or Visitors in the European Economic Area ("EEA").

1. Types of personal data

In this Privacy Policy, 'personal data' means any data relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. We may collect and process the following types of personal data. Please note that some of the following types of data may not fall under personal data under the applicable law, depending on the contents thereof.

(1) When applying to participate in the Events and/or when donating through the Events

When applicants apply to participate in the Events, we collect and process personal data of applicants (such as the applicants' name, sex, date of birth, age, address, telephone number, mobile number, email address, nationality, passport number (if applicant participates from overseas), emergency contact name, telephone number, relationship of such emergency contact with the applicants, whether applicants are registered with the Japan Association of Athletics Federations (JAAF), JAAF ID), race information of applicants (such as whether the applicant has any disability (visual disability, intellectual disability and/or the use of a wheelchair), whether the applicant is an organ transplant recipient and whether the applicant needs an escort runner)(if applicable), donor information (such as name of company; address; telephone number; department; position; and contact person's name, email address, and telephone number), and charity information (such as name of the charity organizations to which applicants donate, amount of donation, and questionnaire responses); all of which are data provided to us by the applicants.

(2) When selected applicants participate in the Events
  • Personal data that participants provide to us
    We may collect information regarding the participants' health condition, vaccination history, PCR test results, and other infectious disease tests result prior to participating in the Events.
    When participants participate in the Events, we collect and process personal data including each participant's face photo, surveillance footage, race results and intermediate race record and estimated runner location information during the race, in addition to the personal data set forth in (1) above.
    In order to verify the identity of the participants, we collect and process participants' face photos; and we collect and process surveillance footage of the course during the race (participants' appearance may be recognized in such footage) for safety reasons.
    In addition, if a participant suffers an injury and needs medical care, we will collect and process the necessary data such as name and phone number of the hotel where the participant is staying, current medical conditions, current medications, allergies, disease or injury name, symptoms, site of occurrence and the treatment received (if any). Further, if a participant is transferred to the hospital, we will provide such data to the hospital.
  • Personal data that we obtain from hospitals
    When the PCR test results or other tests results for infectious diseases conducted before the Events are positive, we collect the results from the medical institution that conducted such tests to prevent the spread of infectious diseases at the Events.
    If a participant is transferred to the hospital, we collect and process data on the disease or injury name, course of symptoms, course of treatment, and current prescriptions, from the hospital, in order to respond in the wake of an accident, including indemnity, examination and improvement of the places for distributing emergency staff, the number and places for distribution of emergency vehicles, and any other matters concerning safety for future Events.
(3) When visiting our website

When Visitors visit our website, we may collect cookies, device information, software information, and website browsing history, etc.

2. Compliance with statutory and regulatory obligations and all applicable laws

We strive to use and strictly manage the personal data we collect, use, and disclose in compliance with the Tokyo Marathon Foundation's privacy protection regulations, which are set in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) and all other applicable statutory and regulatory obligations and laws.

3. Collection, use and disclosure of personal data

The Tokyo Marathon Foundation collects, uses, and discloses the personal data we hold in compliance with our personal data protection management system, which is designed to adhere with the Personal Information Protection Management System requirements of the Japanese Industrial Standards set forth in JIS Q 15001:2006. The purposes for collecting and processing personal data are specified in advance, and the Tokyo Marathon Foundation limits the collection and processing of personal data to what is necessary to achieve the previously advised purposes.

(1) Purposes of use of personal data

The Tokyo Marathon Foundation processes the personal data of applicants, participants, and Visitors in order to achieve the purposes notified individually to applicants, participants, or Visitors or as set forth below:

  • For applicants to the Events and/or for applicants making a donation through the Events:

    to select and registering participants;

    to improve our services and safety levels for applicants/participants;

    to provide information from the sponsors, supporting organizations and related organizations; and

    to provide personal data to the third parties as set forth in this Privacy Policy.

  • For participants in the Events:
    In addition to the purposes set forth above, we will process participants' personal data for the purposes set forth below:

    to verify the identity of the participants;

    to prevent the spread of infectious diseases (including investigation of the presence or absence of infection and reporting to public health centers and other administrative agencies);

    to ensure safety control of the marathon course;

    to deliver the Runner Handbook, results, and relevant information related to the Events to the participants;

    to announce intermediate record and estimated runner location information during the race and race results (including rankings);

    to subscribe to insurance;

    to provide medical care;

    to provide support in the wake of an accident, including indemnity;

    to examine and improve the places for distributing emergency staff, the number and places for distribution of emergency vehicles, and any other matters concerning safety for future Events;

    to hold and manage the Events; and

    to compile statistics from the Events.

  • For improvement of our website:

    to research and analyze trends in the use of our website; and

    to improve our website and services.

(2) Additional processing

In the case of processing the personal data of applicants, participants, or Visitors for purposes other than the above, the Tokyo Marathon Foundation will notify the relevant persons in advance of such purposes of use and other matters as required by applicable law.

(3) Legal basis for collection and use

The Tokyo Marathon Foundation will, in principle, process the personal data of applicants, participants, and Visitors on the basis of our legitimate interests in conducting our business, on the basis of performing or entering into a contract, and on the basis of consent for the Tokyo Marathon Foundation to do so when applicants/participants indicated their acceptance of this Privacy Policy.
The applicants/participants may withdraw such consent at any time; provided, however, that this will not affect the lawfulness of any processing carried out before their withdrawal of such consent. When applicants/participants want to withdraw their consent, please contact us at the addresses indicated in "8. Inquiries."
In obtaining personal data from applicants, participants, or Visitors under the age of eighteen (18), we will, at all times, ask for such person's guardian's consent or the consent authorized by the guardian. In the event that anyone under the age of eighteen (18) wishes to use the services (including, without limitation, for applying/participating in the marathon, and ranking; the same shall apply hereafter), we ask them to make sure that consent is given or authorized by their guardian.

(4) Necessity of providing personal data

The personal data that the applicants/participants are to provide is necessary for the Tokyo Marathon Foundation to provide services to the applicants/participants. Therefore, there may be cases where applicants/participants who have not provided such data will be unable to apply to participate in the Events, donate through the Events, or participate in the Events.

(5) Retention period

The Tokyo Marathon Foundation will retain the personal data of applicants, participants, and Visitors if such data is necessary to provide the services to them, but we will promptly delete the same in the case such data is no longer necessary. The criteria used to determine our storage periods include: (i) the length of time we have an ongoing relationship with applicants, participants, and Visitors; (ii) whether there is any legal obligation to which we are subject; and (iii) whether there is a need in order to perform a contract to which they are party.

(6) Transfer of personal data

The Tokyo Marathon Foundation may provide the personal data of applicants, participants, or Visitors to third parties such as public health centers and other administrative agencies, subsidiaries and affiliates of the Tokyo Marathon Foundation, contractors of the Tokyo Marathon Foundation such as cloud vendors and service companies, charity organizations to which applicants donate, hospitals and medical institutions, etc. and the personal data of applicants, participants, or Visitors will be processed by such third parties in order to carry out the purposes of use specified above.
As a result, personal data may be transferred to entities in countries or jurisdictions outside the EEA (including, without limitation, Japan, and the U.S., the same shall apply hereafter).
Please note that such countries or jurisdictions may not have the same data protection laws as the EEA, and many of the rights provided to data subjects in the EEA will not be given.
In addition to the above, in the case that the Tokyo Marathon Foundation provides personal data to any third party located in a country outside the EEA, other than countries that the European Commission has determined have an adequate level of data protection in accordance with Article 45 of the General Data Protection Regulation, we will ensure that adequate measures are taken concerning the protection of personal data by methods such as executing standard contract clauses based on the General Data Protection Regulation. For further information, including obtaining a copy of the documents used to protect personal data, please contact us at the addresses indicated in "8. Inquiries."

(7) Sensitive personal data

We process the data regarding the disability (visual disability, intellectual disability, and/or the use of a wheelchair), organ transplant and escort runner set forth in 1(1) above only to the extent necessary to specify the type of the race which participants participate (including announcement of the race result).
We process the medical data and health data set forth in 1(2) above only to the extent necessary (i) to prevent the spread of infectious diseases at the Events (including investigation of the presence or absence of infection and reporting to public health centers and other administrative agencies) and (ii) to provide medical care, to provide support in the wake of an accident including indemnity and to examine and improve the places for distributing emergency staff, the number and places for distribution of emergency vehicles, and any other matters concerning safety for future Events.

4. Prevention of leakage, falsification loss or damage of personal data

When we process personal data, we shall endeavor to manage and store personal data in an accurate and up-to-date state and retain the personal data properly by taking appropriate security measures against loss, destruction, falsification and leakage.
In addition, we will exercise appropriate supervision over the employees processing the personal data or the contractors to whom we entrust the processing of the personal data.

5. Continuous improvement of personal data protection management system

We will make necessary efforts to ensure the continuous improvement of our personal data protection management system.

6. Cookies

We may use Visitors' cookies and collect Visitors' device information, software information, etc. on our website. We use this information as general statistical information for research and analysis of trends in the use of our website, not for personal identification.

We use Google Analytics to understand and analyze how Visitors use our website. Google Analytics uses our cookies and collects information about Visitors. Information collected by Google Analytics is controlled by Google in accordance with its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. For more information on how data is collected and processed by Google Analytics, please see "How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services." If Visitors do not wish to have their information collected by Google Analytics from our website, Visitors can opt out by using the "Google Analytics Opt-Out Add-On."

How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services
Google Analytics Opt-Out Add-On

7. Rights of applicants, participants, and Visitors

The applicants, participants, and Visitors may make a request to the Tokyo Marathon Foundation for access to, rectification or erasure of, restriction of, or object to processing of their personal data, and may make a request for data portability.
The applicants, participants, and Visitors may raise an objection to the data protection authorities having jurisdiction over the Tokyo Marathon Foundation or the location of their domicile regarding the processing of their personal data.
Any request for access, rectification, or erasure of, restriction of use of the personal data held by the Tokyo Marathon Foundation shall be made in accordance with the Tokyo Marathon Foundation's privacy protection regulations and personal data processing guidance of the Tokyo Marathon Foundation (the "Guidance"). When requesting disclosure of personal data subject to disclosure, a "request for disclosure of personal data subject to disclosure" (pdf format) as set forth in the Guidance shall be submitted. Please note that it is necessary to install Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view pdf files.

8. Inquiries

The Tokyo Marathon Foundation determines the purpose and means of processing the personal data of applicants, participants, or Visitors.
In the event of any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or the processing of personal data by the Tokyo Marathon Foundation, or any requests concerning the access to, the rectification or erasure of, or the restriction of processing of personal data, or with regard to data portability, please contact us at the following help desk department by telephone, e-mail or mail.

Tokyo Marathon Foundation Helpdesk

8F Ariake Frontier Bldg. Tower B, 3-7-26 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0063 JAPAN
Tel: +81-3-5500-6677 Fax: +81-3-5500-6678
Office Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Except Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays and Year-end through New Year Holiday)

9. Revision of this Privacy Policy

The Tokyo Marathon Foundation may change the contents of this Privacy Policy when necessary. We will announce the revised Privacy Policy on this website when a revision is made.
Please check the contents of this Privacy Policy in a timely manner.
After the policy is revised, the applicants, participants, or Visitors shall be deemed to have agreed to the revised policy when they view this Privacy Policy.

Effective date: April 1, 2013
Revised as of: July 11, 2022
Tokyo Marathon Foundation President/CEO

〇 For applicants based outside the EEA

Handling the personal information
The Tokyo Marathon Foundation (also referred to as “we” or “us”) provides runners, volunteers, and spectators with various opportunities to participate in various running events and sports activities held by us, including, but not limited to, the annual Tokyo Marathon held in March and the annual Tokyo Legacy Half Marathon held in October (the “Events”).

The official membership club of the Tokyo Marathon Foundation, “ONE TOKYO,” provides members with various information on running/marathons. Also, through its charity programs, the Tokyo Marathon Foundation will continue contributing to the society.

We understand the importance of the personal information and handle them with utmost care.

The personal information and/or data that we collect from applicants/participants in connection with organizing the Events will be protected under various security measures as described below.

1. Compliance with statutory and regulatory obligations and all applicable laws of Japan

We strive to use and strictly manage the personal information we collect, use, and disclose in compliance with the Tokyo Marathon Foundation’s privacy protection regulations, which are set in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of May 30, 2003) and all other applicable statutory and regulatory obligations and laws.

2. Collection, use and disclosure of personal information

The Tokyo Marathon Foundation collects, uses, and discloses the personal information we hold in compliance with our personal information protection management system, which is designed to adhere with the Personal Information Protection Management System requirements of the Japanese Industrial Standards set forth in JIS Q 15001:2006.
Basically, we only collect personal information that applicants/participants provide voluntarily (authorized by the guardian in the case of minors under the age of eighteen (18)), including when applying and registering for the race.
The purpose of collecting and processing personal information will be specified in advance, and the Tokyo Marathon Foundation limits the collection and processing of personal information to what is necessary to achieve the previously advised purposes.

(1) Type of Information collected

The Tokyo Marathon Foundation will collect and process the following personal information.

  • When applying to participate in the Events, and/or when donating through the Events
    When applicants apply to participate in Events, we collect and process personal information of applicants (such as the applicants’ name, sex, date of birth, age, address, telephone number, mobile number, email address, nationality, passport number (if applicant participates from overseas), emergency contact name, telephone number, relationship of such emergency contact with the applicants, whether applicants are registered with the Japan Association of Athletics Federations (JAAF), JAAF ID), race information of applicants (such as whether the applicant has any disability (visual disability, intellectual disability, and/or the use of a wheelchair), whether the applicant is an organ transplant recipient and whether the applicant needs an escort runner)(if applicable), donor information (such as name of company; address; telephone number; department; position; and contact person’s name, email address, and telephone number), and charity information (such as the name of the charity organizations to which applicants donate, amount of donation, and questionnaire responses); all of which are information provided to us by the applicants.
  • When selected applicants participate in the Events
    We may collect information regarding the participants' health condition, vaccination history, PCR test results, and other infectious disease tests results prior to participating in the Events.
    When participants participate in the Events, we collect and process personal information including each participant’s face photo, footage, race results and intermediate race record and estimated runner location information during the race, in addition to the personal information set forth above.
    In order to verify the identity of the participants, we collect and process participants’ face photos; and we collect and process surveillance footage of the course during the race (participants’ appearance may be recognized in such footage) for safety reasons.
  • When first aid or transfer to the hospital becomes necessary
    Name and phone number of hotel where the participant is staying during the Events, currently treated conditions, current medication, allergies, name of injuries and diseases, symptoms, site of occurrence, the treatment received (if any) and any other necessary information will be collected and shared with the hospital which the participant is transferred to.
    In addition, if a participant is taken to the hospital, name of injuries and diseases, course of the symptoms, course of treatment, and current prescription will be obtained from such hospital in order to respond in the wake of an accident, including indemnity, examination and improvement of the places for distributing emergency staff, the number and places for distribution of emergency vehicles, and any other matters concerning safety for future Events.
(2) Purposes of use of personal information

The Tokyo Marathon Foundation will process personal information in order to achieve the purposes notified or as set forth below.

  • For applicants to the Events and/or applicants making a donation through the Events:

    to select and registering participants;

    to improve our services and safety levels for applicants/participants;

    to provide information from the sponsors, supporting organizations and related organizations; and

    to provide personal information to the third parties as set forth in this Privacy Policy.

  • For participants in the Events:
    In addition to the purposes set forth above, we will process participants’ personal information for the purposes set forth below:

    to verify the identity of the participants;

    to prevent the spread of infectious diseases (including investigation of the presence or absence of infection and reporting to public health centers and other administrative agencies);

    to ensure safety control of the marathon course;

    to deliver the Runner Handbook, results, and relevant information related to the Events to the participants;

    to announce intermediate record and estimated runner location information during the race and race results (including rankings);

    to subscribe to insurance;

    to provide medical care;

    to provide support in the wake of an accident, including indemnity;

    to examine and improve the places for distributing emergency staff, the number and places for distribution of emergency vehicles, and any other matters concerning safety for future Events;

    to hold and manage the Events; and

    to compile statistics from the Events.

(3) Transfer of personal information to third parties

The Tokyo Marathon Foundation basically does not provide personal information to third parties except as otherwise provided by laws and regulations or with the prior consent of data subjects.
Meanwhile, the Tokyo Marathon Foundation may provide the personal information to third parties (including those located outside of Japan) if provision of such information is necessary to public health centers, other administrative agencies, affiliates (including Abbott World Marathon Majors LLC located in the United States, operating the Abbott World Marathon Majors; please see the information provided in accordance with Article 28, Paragraph 2 of the Act on the Protection of Personal Information below), the charity organizations to which participants, and contractors of the Tokyo Marathon Foundation within the scope relevant to the management of the Events (including implementation of measures to prevent the spread of infectious diseases), in case required to provide such information to insurance companies in order to apply for insurance, in case of transferring the provided information regarding health or medical care to the hospital which the participant is taken to, or in case of announcing the information relating to race record via TV, newspaper, magazine, the internet and the like.

We may disclose personal information set forth in 2(1) to a third party located in the following country with prior consent:
(a) Name of the country where the third party located
United States of America
(b) Information on the data privacy regulations of the country
Please review the URL below.
Federal law and Illinois state law
(c) Measures to protect personal information taken by the third party
The third party implements security measures in accordance with all OECD 8 Privacy Principles stated in the “Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data.”

(4) Sensitive personal information

We process the information regarding the disability (visual disability, intellectual disability, and/or the use of a wheelchair), organ transplant and escort runner set forth in 2(1) above only to the extent necessary to specify the type of the race which participants participates (including announcement of the race result). We process the medical information and health information set forth in 2(1) above only to the extent necessary (i) to prevent the spread of infectious diseases at the Events (including investigation of the presence or absence of infections and reporting to public health centers and other competent administrative agencies) and (ii) to provide medical care, to provide support in the wake of an accident including indemnity and to examine and improve the places for distributing emergency staff, the number and places for distribution of emergency vehicles, and any other matters concerning safety for future Events.

3. Prevention of leakage, falsification loss, or damage of personal information

When we process personal information, we shall endeavor to manage and store personal information in an accurate and up-to-date state and retain the information properly by taking appropriate security measures against loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage. For details of our safety control measures for personal information, please contact the address listed in “7. Inquiries.”
In addition, we will exercise appropriate supervision over the employees processing the personal information or the contractors whom we entrust the processing of the personal information.

The name of the business operator handling personal information is the Tokyo Marathon Foundation, and our address and name of the representative can be found here.

4. Continuous improvement of personal information protection management system

We will make necessary efforts to ensure the continuous improvement of our personal information protection management system.

5. Cookies

We may use cookies of visitors to our website (“Visitors”) and collect Visitors’ device information, software information, etc. on our website. We use this information as general statistical information for research and analysis of trends in the use of our website, not for personal identification.

We use Google Analytics to understand and analyze how Visitors use our website. Google Analytics uses our cookies and collects information about Visitors. Information collected by Google Analytics is controlled by Google in accordance with its Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. For more information on how data is collected and processed by Google Analytics, please see “How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services.” If visitors do not wish to have their information collected by Google Analytics from our website, Visitors can opt out by using the “Google Analytics Opt-Out Add-On.”

How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services
Google Analytics Opt-Out Add-On

6. Making requests regarding the disclosure of your personal information subject to disclosure

Any request for access (including to records on third-party provision), rectification, or suspension of use of personal information or provision of personal information held by the Tokyo Marathon Foundation to a third party shall be made in accordance with the Tokyo Marathon Foundation’s privacy protection regulations and personal information handling guidance of the Tokyo Marathon Foundation (the “Guidance”). When requesting disclosure of personal information subject to disclosure, a “request for disclosure of personal information subject to disclosure” (pdf format) as set forth in the Guidance shall be submitted.
Please note that it is necessary to install Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view pdf files.

*To obtain a copy of your personal data, you will need to bear the necessary cost set by the Tokyo Marathon Foundation’s privacy protection regulations.

7. Inquiries

If you have any complaint or consultation regarding the processing of personal information, please contact us at the following help desk department by telephone, e-mail or mail.

Tokyo Marathon Foundation Helpdesk

8F Ariake Frontier Bldg. Tower B, 3-7-26 Ariake, Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0063 JAPAN
Tel: +81-3-5500-6677 Fax: +81-3-5500-6678
Office Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Except Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays and Year-end through New Year Holiday)

8. Revision of this Privacy Policy

The Tokyo Marathon Foundation may change the contents of this Privacy Policy when necessary. We will announce the revised Privacy Policy on this website when a revision is made.
Please check the contents of this Privacy Policy in a timely manner.
After the policy is revised, the applicants/participants shall be deemed to have agreed to the revised policy when the applicants/participants view this Privacy Policy.

Effective date: April 1, 2013
Revised as of: July 11, 2022
Tokyo Marathon Foundation President/CEO

Contact Us


E-mail :

*If you are already a member, let us know your member ID in the email. Please include [OTG] in the subject line.